Spirituality In The Human Design System

Spirituality is an inner knowing of something greater than what we see or realize in our day-to-day living.

Our spirituality is eternal. It is part of us that just “knows stuff”. It is the part of us that knows where that parking spot will be, or who is calling before the phone rings. It is the part of us that feels a connection, a fellowship with nature, with each other, with other times and places and with bygone civilizations. In this way, we experience synchronicity,  the right information or inspiration comes to us at the right time.

There are many ways to explore this inner knowing, just like there are flavors of ice cream, styles of dressing, or philosophical beliefs. Some of the easiest ways to explore spirituality are spending time in nature, breathing deeply, singing, dancing, and laughing.

We can also deepen our understanding of our spirituality by exploring our nightly dreams, various forms of divination, and a deeper knowledge of our personal numerology, astrology, Kabbalah and Human Design.

All if these esoteric sciences help us to understand ourselves at deeper and deeper levels.

Knowing who we are and what we value releases a ton of creative energy into our lives.

Awakening to this inner knowing is a process. Sometimes it happens in quantum leaps. Other times it is slower - as it is supposed to be. If we changed all the time at the same high rate, we couldn’t maintain our 3rd dimensional structures. We would just be our ashes and shoes.

The more value we have for life, the more splendid life is.  The more creative we are and the more we are connected to our Divinity.

Values matter. Do you value your body? Your home? Your family? Your community? Your government? When we spend time exploring what we value, collectively or individually, the more value is returned to our lives.

Certainty and synchronicity confirm that we are on our spiritual journey. We love when we find the parking spot, or know who is calling before the phone rings.

Yet, it is really during times of uncertainty, personal growth or crisis that we are closer to our free will, our divinity. When we know who we are and what we value in turbulent times the path is much clearer.

Understanding your Human Design Bodygraph, will allow you to easily identify who you truly are, what your personal laws are, and what you truly value.

When we define our values, what matters to us, how we think and what we love, we create a powerful spiritual practice and we feel satisfied, creative, and peaceful and our soul is happy.

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